Bad Timing: A Christmas Apology

It's a quiet Sunday afternoon.
By some stroke of luck, LC is napping, Adam is probably watching some crazy movie while he works, and I'm actually sitting down. The harsh light of my computer screen duels with the warm lights of the Christmas tree to fill the darkness of our living room. Belle, our new horse of a dog, roams about looking for crumbs of food Lydia may have left behind.

As I sit and consider what I could possibly blog about (when I should really be doing so many other things), I reach for my warm cup of afternoon coffee. In my peripheral vision I see my horse-dog attempting to counter surf.

Too bad for Belle, counter surfing is a big no-no. Those soft paws of hers were stealthy, but her timing was bad.

She's young, but she'll learn soon enough. Timing is everything.

That's something that I'm feeling this season.
I have 7838 things to do this week.
I think I have to take food to at least three get-togethers. I'm probably supposed to actually make or bake these items. And I don't make. Or bake.
Lots of gifts aren't bought --- LC's included.
Christmas cards aren't in the mail. They aren't even bought. And no sweet, festive photo has been made to put on the front of these nonexistent cards.
There's a cookie swap coming up - and I'm supposed to include a recipe? I don't have a cookie recipe...
That's all this week.
Tack on grades and lesson plans and laundry and company and....

The timing couldn't be more chaotic.

Last week's blizzard happened while LC was doing her yoga in her leotard. Once we saw the snow, we knew we had to get out and play. We popped on layer after layer right over that leotard. Just as we were about to walk out the door, wouldn't you know it - she had to go to the bathroom. Great timing, kid. Great timing. Seven hours later, we finally made it outside to make snowballs and have some fun. 

So this, my friends, is a public apology.
For over-baked cookies.
And for store bought treats.

For last minute requests for gift ideas.
And for probably just getting you a giftcard instead.

For not mailing you a Christmas card this year.
And for not letting you know how much I enjoy putting yours on our fridge.

For looking like a crazy woman when you see me in the grocery store.
And for having to go to the grocery store every day (rather, for sending Adam every day😁).

For being late for everything.
And for maybe even leaving your gift under our Christmas tree.

Here's to laughing at my failed attempts to bake anything edible.
And to not stressing over what to buy.

Here's to relaxing.
Enjoying time with folks.

And experiencing Christmas with Lydia Claire.


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