
Oh. My. Goodness ThisIsHARD.
Again, no one told me anything about how hard owning a baby can be!  She cries. She poops. She spits up. Then she cries again. And now Adam is back at work. Y'all. He's the pro at putting her down for a nap. I stink at it----and little girl knows it.

Our first day alone was, well, ok.
Then came our second day.

She wasn't the only one crying.

Our  morning started off pretty good. Wake, eat, nap. Pretty routine. I used that time to gather our things for a much anticipated visit to my old school, Ben Davis, and get myself somewhat ready. Remember, I don't have a lotta clothes to choose from, so that cuts my gettin' ready time down significantly. ;) She woke up again - time to eat again! Then we got in the dreaded car. I have never met someone who detests riding in a car more than my little girl. She cried the entire 25 minute drive to school. Once I picked her up, all was well. She had a great time, in between crying spells, being loved on by those ladies. I even learned some tricks of the trade from them on how to calm her down while I was there! Between all the love and all the crying, LC was worn out, so she snoozed on the drive home. HALLELUJAH, some peace and quiet!

And then our afternoon.
Once she woke up, we were at odds for the remainder of the evening.


And then she decided to pull my hair! ;)

I simply could not get this little girl to nap again. Mama needed a nap, too!
So when her daddy finally walked in the door, I graciously handed her over.
And I hate how easily her settled her down for a brief nap.
Hate, but love.
Love, really.

I'm worn out just thinking about it again....

While growing a baby is hands-down the most challenging thing I've ever done, it's pretty amazing. To see how much she has changed is remarkable. And I love it.

Hating her bonnet her great, great Aunt Johnnie made her.

At six weeks old, LC ---
- Hates riding in the car
- Loves to smile at her daddy
- Enjoyes baths and diaper changes
- Still fits into her newborn outfits
- Loves morning snuggles
- Gets hungry when mom tries to eat

At six weeks as a mom, Janell ---
- Eats faster than she ever has before
- Consequently hasn't truly tasted her food in six weeks
- Loves morning snuggles
- Can almost wear her wedding band again (!!!)

So, speaking of changes, it's time for me to make some changes as well. I'll be working to change my diet and exercise routine next week. While I've had the best time eating whatever I want and sitting all day, it's time to get after it. This one pair of mom pants is getting old, so I guess I'll try to fit into some of my other things.

In the past, I've really liked following the Paleo diet, but while being a milk factory for baby, I need some carbs. Mmmm, how I love carbs. :) Anyway, you're welcome to join me as I slowly (and I mean slowly) work my way back into an exercise routine, running, and healthy eating. Lemme know if you wanna be my support buddy - believe me, I'll need it. Not sure how strong my sugar withdrawals will be. ;)

In other news, LC went to Tennessee this past weekend to meet some of her family! 

Meeting her great grandaddy for the first time

Hanging with her great grandma

Taking a break with her Uncle D

Stay tuned for more pictures of crying LC next week! ;)


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