Celebrate Err-thang

I recently happened upon a page I had ripped out from a magazine some time ago.
Now, ripping out magazine pages isn’t something that I do all willy nilly. Magazines are mini books and should remain intact ---and definitely not dog-eared.
But as soon as I saw the page, I immediately remembered exactly why I had broken my no ripping rule.

In an article titled “5 things you can learn from your pet,” there was an excerpt written by Julie Klam:

From Real Simple
1. Celebrate Everything

Each time I walk into my apartment—even if I’ve been gone for less than a minute—my three dogs leap on me, kiss me, lick me, wag and bark, and show me their chew toys.

I find it inspiring: Life throws a lot of junk in your direction, so you might as well get your kicks when you can. Now I try to acknowledge every small-but-happy event (...half-birthdays, good doctor’s visits, even when a mosquito bite stops itching) with at least a cheerful word or gesture. I believe that if dogs could speak, they’d say, “You should have a cupcake for that.” That’s a worldview I can get behind.

Julie Klam is the author of You Had Me at Woof.

Why, yes…yes I’ll do that.
And so I am.

This is me (duh) at mile 10 with my big, beastly knee brace.

This is Amy and me after running 12.25 miles.
And my big, beastly knee brace.

And so this is me today celebrating with a peppermint mocha.
My favorite.

Celebrate Everything?
I can definitely do that.
YOLO, you know?


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