Tomorrow, tomorrow!

That’s my nervous scream, in case you were wondering.
In less than 48 hours, I will be getting up (yes, at the literal crack of dawn) to meet my Team for the Country Music ½ Marathon in Nashville. Yowza. A year ago I could barely run a mile, now I’m running thirteen point stinkin’ one!
My lovely sunburn. I hope this goes in before Saturday!
I’m in the midst of packing, but I keep getting flustered and having to quit. Don’t worry, it’s a good kind of flustered. I’m finding every possible thing to do before I pack. I’ve helped lay sod, put up a dog pen, cleaned the entire house, folded all of the laundry, and on and on. I’ve even watched a good amount of television – Fraiser, to be more specific – and I happened upon this one segment today that made me feel so much better. Between losing my wallet with my ID and cards in it over the weekend and getting a fierce sunburn, I feel like everything is going wrong. However, while watching this episode, I couldn’t help but think how it could be much worse. 

So now I’ll leave you with another short video. Really, it’s just me rambling – pre-race jitters and all, but it was kinda fun to make. J Humor me and don’t tell me if I sound crazy or look funny.


  1. I'm not a runner, but I think I'd go with smaller is easier. LOL And you definitely don't want to take a chance on choking! You're going to do great hun. Who knows, we may see you on the news. :-)

  2. I've decided that I'm going with the phone and the ooze. Thanks for your encouragement, Carla!!!


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