To Do: Spring & Summer 2012

I love the feeling of accomplishment – and what is better associated with accomplishment than a nice To Do list?!?  So here, friends and foes, for your viewing pleasure is the…..

2012: Spring and Summer List of Things To Do
1. Run a 10K Read about it here
2. Run a ½ Marathon Read about it here
3. Successfully grow a garden (of edibles, not weeds)
4. Test-drive my dream car
5. Erect a dog pen
6. Visit 4 (four) states
     State 1: South Carolina

     State 2: Ohio
     State 3: Tennessee
7. Eat fried Oreos
8. Visit friends (But who to visit!?!)
9. Refinish my window mirror
10. Teach my old dogs some new tricks
11. Plant a hydrangea
12. Conquer my fear of the sewing machine
Update: I've somehow managed to lose the needle to my sewing machine. Who does that? Until I bring myself to buy a replacement, this item is on hold.
13. Yoga
14. Learn to use a power tool
15. Run through the sprinklers
16. Paint the bathroom
17. Volunteer at a race
18. Go to the movie theatre
19. Stay up past my bedtime
20. Find out if I really do have abs or not
21. Do a family 5K
22. Learn to swim
23. Not get a suntan
24. Shoot a gun Read about it here
25. Learn how to properly use my camera
26. Quit coffee (Not going well.)

Why twenty-six things, you ask?
Yeah, I don’t know either. ;)


  1. I know...I know...let me guess what your subconscious was thinking with 26...because you are 26! :) You make me want to make a list...I'll add that to my am curious about your dream car. What is it? and I'll help with #18...good luck...YOU CAN DO IT! ;)

  2. I like how you say "NOT get a suntan" hahaha

  3. Quit coffee??? Are you loco? Let me know how long you last with this one...


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